Prima Noutăți The First Steering Committee Meeting of the MIGRECO project

The First Steering Committee Meeting of the MIGRECO project


On the 30th of May the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Moldova, held the First Steering Committee Meeting of the Moldovan component of the EU funded project “Strengthening Migration Management and Cooperation on Readmission in Eastern Europe (MIGRECO)”.

The event gathered about 40 representatives from ministries (MIA, MFAIE, MLSPF, MITC, MJ, Prosecutor Office, HM, and Ombudsman), international organizations (UNHCR, EUBAM, OSCE, ICMPD, and ILO) and civil society (NGO “IPR”, Law Center for Advocates, Amnesty International Moldova). The Steering Committee marked the launching of Moldovan component of this regional EU-funded project under the EC Thematic Programme on Migration and Asylum 2012, which will be coordinated regionally by the IOM office in Kiev.

The MIGRECO project aims at contributing to enhancing migration management and fostering cooperation on readmission in Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus; it will be implemented during 24 months with a total budget of €2.4 million for all 3 countries. Read more…

Antonio Polosa, the Chief of IOM Mission to Moldova, believes that Our joint regional approach associated with the support from our donor, the European Union, and the project partners in our countries will help us to easier overcome possible hardships in the project implementation in the view of achieving a new higher level in the development of the migration management systems in our countries for the benefit of all – people of our countries, migrants and Governments.

Simion Terzioglo, Project Coordinator, stressed: “The Moldovan component of the MIGRECO project will help Moldovan authorities to implement relevant provisions of the EU-Moldova VLAP by improving the country’s readmission framework with the main countries of origin and destination of irregular migrants as well as by addressing other important issues related to the development of institutional migration and border management capacities with due attention to the human rights of migrants.”

Andrei Vrabie, Project Manager, Justice and Home Affairs within European Union Delegation to Republic of Moldova, emphasized that IOM has a special role in the country’s migration management. Starting from this, EU Delegation has high expectations from this project taking into account the previous projects’ results and impact on the migration management system. He suggested to develop close cooperation with all other relevant international experts and EU High Level Advisors to MIA and BMA in order to synergy the efforts and to accomplish the expected and valuable results.

Dorin Purice, the Director of the Border Police Department, welcomed participants to the meeting and expressed the gratitude for the IOM focused approach towards the capacity building needs of the newly established Border Police Department within the MIA structure, especially for a secondment of the International Long Term Advisor within BPD.

The event was interactive: after presentation of the Moldovan component of the MIGRECO project, the priorities of the advisory support to the Border Police Department of the MIA were specified. Other discussed agenda items included the Investigative response to trafficking in human beings (THB), multiplication of national referral system and THB trainings to Moldovan officials. Questions & answers rounds, comments and recommendations were welcomed and well noted by the project team.

Contact person: Simion Terzioglo, Project coordinator,